Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Alex Murdaugh and Justice


Seeing this photo chills me a bit because it gets me thinking how right and wrong for some these days is not about moral certitudes but affidavits and documents and expert witnesses and counter-arguments and wrangling and objections and motions and this and that and the third.

An accused double-murderer enters the courtroom ladened with folders and binders that, presumably, contain some evidence that he did NOT shoot his wife and son in the summer of 2021. That he has NOT been playing grieving husband and father for nearly two years. 

What is it like to be in the presence of someone who might have shot his family members in the head and concocted a story to exonerate himself, who passively sits in a courtroom day-after-day as testimony mounts pointing to his guilt?

What is it like to see this man have many days in court when those much less powerful can be beaten to death in the street for "resisting arrest" and observers tut-tutting and saying "he shouldn't have tried to run"?

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