Saturday, June 20, 2020


The Village of Sandhills had been struggling with abandoned storefronts and empty "apartment homes" for years before 'Rona came callin'. World Market closed its location there earlier this year. And, of course, Penney's is bankrupt. Sad.
I was sort of ambivalent about World Market, frankly. While it has cool stuff in it, and they price their wines pretty competitively, thematically I feel the "world" aspect is hype. They do have an eclectic collection of packaged food stuff but nothing I would keep as a staple in the cupboard (if I had a cupboard). And I don't know what global crockery looks like.All of Sandhills looks beset and highwater now. I mean it looks like it's strapped and making due. That was the real shame of wearing "highwater britches" -- it meant your people were too broke to keep you in clothes that fit properly.
At the village, busted "apartment home" windows are boarded, "available for lease" signs are beginning to sag in retail windows, the grass outside the Regal is wild and thatchy, and movie posters for little-seen features are faded from overexposure to the Carolina sun. It's pretty depressing.
Maybe the village will be re-imagined by some really creative types and see a new life, repurposed and popular, like what Steve Urkel and Dolce and Gabbana did for highwater pants.
Where there is life ...

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