Sunday, October 9, 2022

Foxy Friends


I'm not the first to compare Fox News broadcasts to excrement or the network as a whole to a zoo.
I know pretty smart folks who don't buy any of what Foxy Friends are selling but monitor the smelly programs anyway.
Maybe they do it for the same reason some people keep track of what their diabetic grandma is eating, going through her cupboards and checking out her freezer for Ho Hos and Ben & Jerry's and urging her to do better.
Some might listen to Hannity so they can anticipate the next day's heated water-cooler or Twitter exchanges.
Some might listen to Carlson for the same reason I like to walk through forgotten neighborhoods in big cities, i.e., to get a glimpse into a different world.
And still others might do it to scratch some anthropological itch, trying to figure out what kind of creatures these are behind the glass.
Whatever the case, I don't think there's a reason compelling enough for me to watch Fox's highly paid "naked apes" take a dump, smear themselves with the product, and fling it at the audience.
What waste!

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