Monday, January 10, 2022

The 355


Simon Kinberg doesn't deliver much that's new for the super-spy genre in The 355. Even its central premise of a team of international female "bad asses" teaming up to avert global catastrophe by retrieving a device that could subvert and control the cybersphere doesn't feel especially fresh. The same "ladies get it done" swagger we've been seeing for decades.
The picture -- which stars Jessica Chastain, Diane Kruger and Lupita Nyong'o as American, German and British assets, respectively, along with Penelope Cruz as a Colombian psychotherapist to spies and Bingbing Fan as a Chinese double (triple) agent -- delivers some good thrills but two or three set pieces that go too long for the punch they pack. A bit more story (more about what drives these women), less close-quarter fighting (it all becomes a blur) and one or two fewer double-crosses (secret agencies cannot be that porous) would have greatly improved the picture.

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