Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Mandalorian

Even those of us who do not know Star Wars by chapter and verse have found much to appreciate and connect with in the Disney+ series The Mandalorian, which is planning a third season once 'Rona loosens her death grip.

Series creator Jon Favreau has shaped a conventional quest narrative into a highly affective story of "human" connection, our fractured alliances and identities. Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones) leads the sparkling, diverse cast as the eponymous warrior/mercenary tasked with delivering a mysterious abandoned big-eyed, big-eared moppet to whichever of the remaining Jedi sorcerers he can find in the universe who will take him. The Mandalorian, who lives by a strict code of discipline, was himself a war orphan (a foundling) and though encased in metal and emotional scarring develops a strong attachment to his young charge.

How Pascal, who is faceless for 95 percent of his screen time, and Favreau, who wrote most of the series' scripts, move the character from cold metal man to warm protector without reducing the narrative to sticky goo is a tribute to both. Those who are open to it would undoubtedly find lessons here about how we assess the value of connections and our duty to one another.

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