Monday, August 12, 2019

True Detective Season Three

Mahershala Ali is a Hollywood A-lister whose performances exude discipline and craft. He strikes me as an actor who studies, prepares, presents, all with deliberation and precision. In True Detective Season Three, Ali is an Arkansas detective during three time periods in the complicated case of the disappearance of two children, a brother and sister. He and his partner (Stephen Dorff) follow clues, draw conclusions, chase red herrings, arrest, release, rethink and revisit, while the bodies of those surrounding the case pile up. This is a particularly challenging part because Ali's character must maintain the same fiercely individualistic core while being shaped by family, co-workers and criminals against a backdrop of personality politics, class and race. His most impressive work is as the aged detective, battling dementia while trying to answer lingering questions: primarily, what was done, by whom and why.

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